

CVE-2006-2731 · HIGH Severity


Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in Enigma Haber 4.3 and earlier allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the (1) id parameter in (a) e_mesaj_yas.asp, (b) edi_haber.asp, and (c) haber_devam.asp; (2) hid parameter in (d) yazdir.asp and (e) yorum.asp, and the (3) e parameter in (f) arsiv.asp. NOTE: with administrator credentials, additional vectors exist including (4) yid parameter to (g) admin/y_admin.asp, (5) bid parameter to (h) admin/reklam_detay.asp, hid parameter to (i) admin/detay_yorum.asp and (j) admin/haber_sil.asp, (6) kid parameter to (k) admin/kategori_d.asp, (7) tur parameter to (l) admin/haber_ekle.asp, (8) s parameter to (m) admin/e_mesaj_yaz.asp, and id parameter to (n) admin/admin_sil.asp.

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