CSRF Protection Bypass in Juniper Junos J-Web

CSRF Protection Bypass in Juniper Junos J-Web

CVE-2013-4689 · MEDIUM Severity


J-Web in Juniper Junos before 10.4R13, 11.4 before 11.4R7, 12.1R before 12.1R6, 12.1X44 before 12.1X44-D15, 12.1x45 before 12.1X45-D10, 12.2 before 12.2R3, 12.3 before 12.3R2, and 13.1 before 13.1R3 allow remote attackers to bypass the cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection mechanism and hijack the authentication of administrators for requests that (1) create new administrator accounts or (2) have other unspecified impacts.

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