Critical SQL Injection Vulnerability in ttskch PaginationServiceProvider up to 0.x (VDB-217150)

Critical SQL Injection Vulnerability in ttskch PaginationServiceProvider up to 0.x (VDB-217150)

CVE-2014-125029 · CRITICAL Severity


A vulnerability was found in ttskch PaginationServiceProvider up to 0.x. It has been declared as critical. This vulnerability affects unknown code of the file demo/index.php of the component demo. The manipulation of the argument sort/id leads to sql injection. Upgrading to version 1.0.0 is able to address this issue. The patch is identified as 619de478efce17ece1a3b913ab16e40651e1ea7b. It is recommended to upgrade the affected component. VDB-217150 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.

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