Incomplete verification of server hostname in Apache Axis 1.4 and earlier allows SSL server spoofing via X.509 certificate with incorrect Common Name (CN) field.

Incomplete verification of server hostname in Apache Axis 1.4 and earlier allows SSL server spoofing via X.509 certificate with incorrect Common Name (CN) field.

CVE-2014-3596 · MEDIUM Severity


The getCN function in Apache Axis 1.4 and earlier does not properly verify that the server hostname matches a domain name in the subject's Common Name (CN) or subjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to spoof SSL servers via a certificate with a subject that specifies a common name in a field that is not the CN field. NOTE: this issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2012-5784.

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