HTTP Request Smuggling Vulnerability in Apache Tomcat 9.0.28 to 9.0.30, 8.5.48 to 8.5.50, and 7.0.98 to 7.0.99

HTTP Request Smuggling Vulnerability in Apache Tomcat 9.0.28 to 9.0.30, 8.5.48 to 8.5.50, and 7.0.98 to 7.0.99

CVE-2019-17569 · MEDIUM Severity


The refactoring present in Apache Tomcat 9.0.28 to 9.0.30, 8.5.48 to 8.5.50 and 7.0.98 to 7.0.99 introduced a regression. The result of the regression was that invalid Transfer-Encoding headers were incorrectly processed leading to a possibility of HTTP Request Smuggling if Tomcat was located behind a reverse proxy that incorrectly handled the invalid Transfer-Encoding header in a particular manner. Such a reverse proxy is considered unlikely.

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