Cleartext Administrative Password Storage Vulnerability in Multiple Router Models

Cleartext Administrative Password Storage Vulnerability in Multiple Router Models

CVE-2019-19823 · HIGH Severity


A certain router administration interface (that includes Realtek APMIB 0.11f for Boa 0.94.14rc21) stores cleartext administrative passwords in flash memory and in a file. This affects TOTOLINK A3002RU through 2.0.0, A702R through 2.1.3, N301RT through 2.1.6, N302R through 3.4.0, N300RT through 3.4.0, N200RE through 4.0.0, N150RT through 3.4.0, and N100RE through 3.4.0; Rutek RTK 11N AP through 2019-12-12; Sapido GR297n through 2019-12-12; CIK TELECOM MESH ROUTER through 2019-12-12; KCTVJEJU Wireless AP through 2019-12-12; Fibergate FGN-R2 through 2019-12-12; Hi-Wifi MAX-C300N through 2019-12-12; HCN MAX-C300N through 2019-12-12; T-broad GN-866ac through 2019-12-12; Coship EMTA AP through 2019-12-12; and IO-Data WN-AC1167R through 2019-12-12.

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