Unauthenticated Cleartext Password Disclosure in Wavlink and Jetstream Devices

Unauthenticated Cleartext Password Disclosure in Wavlink and Jetstream Devices

CVE-2020-10974 · HIGH Severity


An issue was discovered affecting a backup feature where a crafted POST request returns the current configuration of the device in cleartext, including the administrator password. No authentication is required. Affected devices: Wavlink WN575A3, Wavlink WN579G3, Wavlink WN531A6, Wavlink WN535G3, Wavlink WN530H4, Wavlink WN57X93, Wavlink WN572HG3, Wavlink WN575A4, Wavlink WN578A2, Wavlink WN579G3, Wavlink WN579X3, and Jetstream AC3000/ERAC3000

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