Race Condition Vulnerability in HTML/Java API Version 1.7: Temporary File Deletion and Directory Creation

Race Condition Vulnerability in HTML/Java API Version 1.7: Temporary File Deletion and Directory Creation

CVE-2020-17534 · HIGH Severity


There exists a race condition between the deletion of the temporary file and the creation of the temporary directory in `webkit` subproject of HTML/Java API version 1.7. A similar vulnerability has recently been disclosed in other Java projects and the fix in HTML/Java API version 1.7.1 follows theirs: To avoid local privilege escalation version 1.7.1 creates the temporary directory atomically without dealing with the temporary file: https://github.com/apache/netbeans-html4j/commit/fa70e507e5555e1adb4f6518479fc408a7abd0e6

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