Bosch Video Management System (BVMS) NoTouch Deployment Path Traversal Vulnerability

Bosch Video Management System (BVMS) NoTouch Deployment Path Traversal Vulnerability

CVE-2020-6768 · HIGH Severity


A path traversal vulnerability in the Bosch Video Management System (BVMS) NoTouch deployment allows an unauthenticated remote attacker to read arbitrary files from the Central Server. This affects Bosch BVMS versions 10.0 <=, 9.0 <=, 8.0 <= 8.0.329 and 7.5 and older. This affects Bosch BVMS Viewer versions 10.0 <=, 9.0 <=, 8.0 <= 8.0.329 and 7.5 and older. This affects Bosch DIVAR IP 3000, DIVAR IP 7000 and DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 if a vulnerable BVMS version is installed.

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