Apache Axis Improper Input Validation Vulnerability

Apache Axis Improper Input Validation Vulnerability

CVE-2023-51441 · HIGH Severity


** UNSUPPORTED WHEN ASSIGNED ** Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache Axis allowed users with access to the admin service to perform possible SSRF This issue affects Apache Axis: through 1.3. As Axis 1 has been EOL we recommend you migrate to a different SOAP engine, such as Apache Axis 2/Java. Alternatively you could use a build of Axis with the patch from https://github.com/apache/axis-axis1-java/commit/685c309febc64aa393b2d64a05f90e7eb9f73e06 applied. The Apache Axis project does not expect to create an Axis 1.x release fixing this problem, though contributors that would like to work towards this are welcome.

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