Intermediate Mozilla Ssl Configuration With Apache

Intermediate Mozilla SSL Configuration with Apache

This guide will help you configure your Apache SSL with Intermediate Mozilla SSL Configuration.

Step 1: Navigate to Mozilla's SSL Configuration Generator

Generate a Intermediate configuration for SSL, using the Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select Apache under Server Software
  3. Select Intermediate under Mozilla Configuration
  4. Mozilla Website Configuration
  5. Enter the Server Version and OpenSSSL Version in the Enviroment settings. Or leave as default for the latest versions
  6. Mozilla SSL enviroment configuration settings
  7. The Intermediate SSL configuration for Apache will be generated below
  8. Mozilla SSL Configurated SSL file
  9. Copy the contents of the gernerated text

Step 2: SSL Configuration

  1. Edit your Apache SSL configuration file sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/[YOUR-SITE-NAME]-ssl.conf
  2. Paste the contents of the Mozilla SSL configuration
  3. Remember to modify the configuration so it fits your server